Tuesday 20 October 2009

And so it begins

Sod this always remaining positive lark. I need to be able to vent. Things are difficult right now. The baby is still sick. She has a cold now on top of everything else. I think maybe it is just the illness coming out of her at last. The MB thought it was an allergy last night which it so obviously isn't and she is a Doctor. So another day stuck in. I'm not blaming the parents but it is really hard and isolating.

The MB knocked on my door at 6.30am to say that DB had to leave early. I hate that. If he had told me last night I would have got up early. I know I am supposed to be flexible but I like to know what I'm doing and then she stood there telling me all these important details and I was half asleep and not retaining any of it.

Seems they think I don't change the baby's nappy enough. She is meant to have 4 changes through the day, every 3 hours. It does bug me when parents don't let me use my judgement but I guess she is their baby so I'll change her and waste a nappy whether she is wet or not.

DB took Baby E last night around 3.30pm when he got home. I stupidly thought he would know what to do with her and ended up kind of being blamed for her not having her tea because he never thought to give it to her. I'm sorry but this guy is a Doctor. Silly me for assuming he would know his child needs food to survive. I don't think it is any kind of excuse for MB to say he never looks after her. That is not my fault. It is his flaw. Any normal person knows babies must eat.

Rant over. It's just hard being stuck in. I am sure once they move and things settle down and the baby gets well then things will be fine.

Monday 19 October 2009

Super Baby Nanny

I have always wanted the perfect Nanny job but however nice the family are they all have the same flaws. It's uncanny. It's like someone tells people who have nannies how to mess around their employees. It can be a bit lonely being a nanny especially when they go off with the push chair in the car so you can't even leave the house. This will be the ups and downs of being a baby nanny. In each post I must find something positive for each negative thing I say. That's the rules.

I shall call the baby, Baby E for privacy and confidentiality reasons. If I talk about my bosses it will be MB for the Mom Boss and DB for the Dad Boss.

Baby E is 8 months old and she's an absolute doll. She's adorable. Big brown eyes and lots of hair. I have to wash it later. I bet that won't go down well but it may clear her snotty nose if she screams the place down. She isn't a well bunny at all. She slept most of yesterday and is asleep now. 20 mins after I started she needed to go back.

So, no push chair. I asked DB this morning and he said he didn't have time to get it out of the car. So he could have really got it for me. Now I will be stuck in another 12 hour day with only Baby E for company which is quite hard and isolating. I am going to have the tv on in the back ground a bit today or I'll go crazy.

Yesterday an array of relatives all rang up sounding like they were checking up on me. I can't blame them. If I had a child, no way could I leave it with a random person I had only met once. I don't mind how many times they all ring to put their minds at ease. Just because I know I'm super nanny, they don't.....yet.